Thursday, March 28, 2013

Going organic

Well,I thought I was the perfect mom!! Had the solution to my problems with kids and their daily sniffs and allergies. All I had to do was to go organic and we would lead a perfect life!!Voila!!!How cool!!!
With that armour, I went shopping.... With a husband who came to the US with me and 2 small kids in 1997, to do a masters, and had just started his new career in a profession that did a complete 180 to his former one, in his late thirties, didn't give me much wiggle room to splurge on the expensive organic foods!
Life is tough when you have to make a choice in feeding the best that you know to your kids and to have to pick up the commercially grown, GMO and pesticide laden fruits and vegetables...But, like every mother, one learns to work with the options given.

With all the hoopla over the President signing the Monsanto Protection Act, not knowing what kind of grocery produce I am going to bring home, it is going to be a scary future for us and all the generations to come. With that said, daily life does not stop. So, a few changes without breaking the bank should do for now. Here is what I do...

When buying organic, I look at what my family eats the most and see if that is affordable. If not, then, I look at local farmer's market and if that is pricey too, then, my next option is a smaller grocery chain like Trader Joe's  who are more conscientious than the bigger conglomerates. This habit of looking into every thing I buy for consumption and household needs does require some planning and driving to different stores but if it is carefully planned and with repetition, it becomes economical on the carbon footprint as well.

Regarding house cleaners, I buy the phosphate free dish washer detergent ( $2 from Walmart) and other non chlorine cleaning sprays that are naturally derived from Walmart and then the refill from the discount store Costco. I know that goes against my principles of being organic to buy from some of the very companies who market GMO products but we are just a regular middle income household who needs to do the best for our family, working with what we have. So, I don't feel bad about it.

Interested in signing the petition to our President? Here it is...

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