Thursday, January 29, 2009


Have been wanting to start a blog for a while now but I have a huge issue with starting something. I need an external pull or push to start!!
Recently, I read a blog by a friend Vijaya- boy, what beautiful language!! It really inspired me to start what I have been wanting to do although I must admit I don't have her language skills.
Anyway, what I have been wanting to blog about is that we have become a materialistic society and its just getting worse every day. I want to simplify my life and see the beauty of things as is....
As an architect and interior designer, I must say I have been a part of this mess too. All these years, when working for companies or on my own, all I would think about was to construct without giving a thought to the adverse effects of the building on the environment or even the allergic effects it has on the people residing in it.
Staying at home with kids for a few years now, my mind has opened to a whole new world of what these materials are doing in terms of allergies and damage to the world.
Therefore,I decided to make small changes at home and see the difference it makes in my families' life. I am beginning to see change already. So,I thought of penning down all what I am doing to slowly change my life and decrease the burden on mother Earth and share this with anyone who cares to read this. Thank you for reading.

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